Extending Camera Manager

The Dronecode Camera Manager (DCM) is architected so that it can be extended to integrate with any type of camera (attached to the host OS) and expose any camera feature. This topic explains main steps for extending the different features.

Out of the box DCM already supports many cameras including most regular Linux cameras (those that use the Video4Linux API). It also provides access to camera features including image capture, video capture and UDP and RTSP video streaming via GStreamer.

Extensible Features

Feature Description
Custom Camera Devices/Parameters DCM can be extended to support any (other) camera type and any configurable camera parameter can be declared and exported to a client (GCS).
Image Capture Developers can implement new types of image capture (for example, image capture using OpenCV instead of GStreamer).
Video Capture Developers can implement new types of video capture (for example, video capture using a multimedia framework other than GStreamer).
Video Streaming Developers can implement new types of video streaming (e.g. HLS protocol).

Support Custom Camera Device

In order to support a new type of camera a custom class must be derived from CameraDevice. In addition, code must be added to detect the new device type and to instantiate the new custom camera device when this happens. The sections below detail these steps.

1. Extend CameraDevice Class

To add support for new type of camera device in DCM, a custom class must be derived from CameraDevice. An example CameraDeviceCustom (in green) can be seen in the class diagram. The class CameraDeviceCustom represents a custom type of camera device.

Action: CameraDeviceCustom must implement the pure virtual functions of the base class CameraDevice.

class CameraDeviceCustom final : public CameraDevice {
    CameraDeviceGazebo(std::string device);
    std::string getDeviceId();
    int getInfo(struct CameraInfo &camInfo);
    bool isGstV4l2Src();
    int init(CameraParameters &camParam);
    int uninit();
    int resetParams(CameraParameters &camParam);
    int setParam(CameraParameters &camParam, std::string param, const char *param_value,
                 size_t value_size, int param_type);

Action: CameraDeviceCustom may overload other methods to provide the functionality.

The configurable parameters of the custom camera device can be exported to the client (GCS) for control. Setting of these parameters and resetting of all the parameters must be handled by the CameraDeviceCustom class.

*Action: CameraDeviceCustom must declare the parameter name (string), ID (int) and type (enum). Also set the default value of the parameter.

int CameraDeviceCustom::init(CameraParameters &camParam)
    camParam.setParameterIdType("brightness", 101,
    camParam.setParameter("brightness", (uint8_t)50);
    camParam.setParameterIdType("contrast", 102,
    camParam.setParameter("contrast", (uint32_t)50);
    camParam.setParameterIdType("hue", 103,
    camParam.setParameter("hue", (int32_t)-10);
    camParam.setParameterIdType("zoom", 104,
    camParam.setParameter("zoom", (float)0);
    camParam.setParameterIdType("white_balance_mode", 105,
    camParam.setParameter("white_balance_mode", (uint32_t)0);

    return 0;

Action: The CameraDeviceCustom must handle setting and resetting of the declared parameters.

2. Detect Custom Camera Device

There must be a logic to detect the custom camera device. For example V4L2 camera devices are detected by scanning the Linux device nodes /dev/video* and Gazebo camera is detected based on --enable-gazebo compile time flag.

Action: Implement function to detect the custom camera device.

int CameraServer::detect_devices_custom(ConfFile &conf, std::vector<CameraComponent *> &camList)

Action: Call the function detect_devices_custom() from the function that prepares the list of cameras in the system.

// prepare the list of cameras in the system
int CameraServer::detectCamera(ConfFile &conf)

3. Instantiate Custom Camera Device

After detection of the custom camera device, CameraServer will instantiate a CameraComponent and pass the custom camera device ID to the CameraComponent. The CameraComponent will create an instance of CameraDeviceCustom object based on the string ID received from CameraServer.

Action : Add conditional statement in create_camera_device function to find if the string ID is of type custom camera and instantiate CameraDeviceCustom object.

    } else if (camdev_name.find("camera/custom") != std::string::npos) {
        return std::make_shared<CameraDeviceCustom>(camdev_name);

Custom RTSP Video Stream

Developers might want to provide a custom RTSP video stream for cameras that don't have V4L2 support, where users need to set very specific parameters, or to do custom post-processing in video before exporting.

For these use cases, it is possible to create a custom StreamBuilder class, creating custom Stream elements. The StreamManager class keeps a list of all created Stream elements, each one representing a single available video stream. These Stream objects are used by AvahiPublisher and RTSPServer classes to perform the streaming and stream-advertising.

There are two samples in samples directory using this approach, camera-sample-custom and camera-sample-realsense. We will explore camera-sample-custom in order to learn all steps necessary to create a DCM custom video stream class.

Camera Sample Custom

Camera Sample Custom adds two new classes to the manager in order to support custom classes: StreamCustom and StreamBuilderCustom. StreamCustom is a class that extends Stream in order to represent a custom Stream. StreamBuilderCustom extends StreamBuilder in order to build the custom streams. No changes in main file or any other classes are necessary.


StreamCustom class is a class that extends Stream class:

class StreamCustom : public Stream {

Stream class has some methods that need to be implemented by child classes: get_path(), get_name(), get_gstreamer_pipeline() and get_formats(). Optionally finalize_gstreamer_pipeline() can be overridden to clean any resource that was created by create_gstreamer_pipeline().


Returns the path that will be used to access the video resource in RTSP URI.

const std::string StreamCustom::get_path() const
    return "/custom";

Returns a human readable name of the video stream.

const std::string StreamCustom::get_name() const
    return "Custom Stream";

Returns an optional list of supported formats and resolutions. In this case, an empty list.

const std::vector<Stream::PixelFormat> &StreamCustom::get_formats() const
    static std::vector<Stream::PixelFormat> formats;                     
    return formats;                                                      

Creates the gstreamer pipeline to access the video to be exported.

For this sample we use a really simple pipeline, that uses gstreamer videotestsrc to generate a sample video. For a more complex example, take a look at the realsense sample.

This method is called when the client starts the video streaming. Cleanup for resources created by this method can be performed at finalize_gstreamer_pipeline method.

GstElement *StreamCustom::create_gstreamer_pipeline(std::map<std::string, std::string> &params) const
    GError *error = nullptr;
    GstElement *pipeline;

    pipeline = gst_parse_launch("videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=480 ! "
                                "videoconvert ! jpegenc ! rtpjpegpay name=pay0",
    if (!pipeline) {
        log_error("Error processing pipeline for custom stream device: %s\n",
                  error ? error->message : "unknown error");
        if (error)

        return nullptr;

    return pipeline;

Called when gstreamer pipeline is finalized so all needed cleanup can be performed.

Note that there is no need of freeing or g_object_unref the pipeline. This method is used only if custom class allocate any other resource for the video.

For the custom sample there is no need of having this function implemented. For a more complex example, take a look at the realsense sample.

void StreamRealSense::finalize_gstreamer_pipeline(GstElement *pipeline)
    //Perform clean up


This is the class that will create the custom streams. It is essential that it extends StreamBuilder, because StreamBuilder constructor will register it as a StreamBuilder class.

class StreamBuilderCustom final : public StreamBuilder {

And it is necessary to create one instance of the StreamBuilderCustom object. We suggest doing it as a static variable in the cpp file:

static StreamBuilderCustom stream_builder;

Method build_streams should be implemented to create the desired streams. This method is called by StreamManager and Streams created by it are kept during the execution of Camera Manager to be used when publishing the Avahi services and when creating the gstreamer pipeline to stream the video.

std::vector<Stream *> StreamBuilderCustom::build_streams()       
    std::vector<Stream *> streams;                               

    streams.push_back(new StreamCustom());                       

    return streams;                                              

Adding StreamCustom and StreamBuilderCustom to the build system

Now it is necessary to build and link StreamCustom and StreamBuildCustom classes to your final binary. We use samples/Makefile.am file to add them:

camera_sample_custom_SOURCES = \  
   ${base_files} \               
   ../src/main.cpp \             
   stream_builder_custom.h \     
   stream_builder_custom.cpp \   
   stream_custom.cpp \           

Note that the main file used is the same main file from DCM.

© Dronecode 2017. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2018-11-20 02:48:35

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