Sanity Tests

This section outlines some basic sanity tests that you can use to verify that the Dronecode Camera Manager (DCM) is working properly.

Verify Linux Cameras

This test verifies that Linux itself is aware that a camera(s) are connected.

Enter the following command to list connected video sources:

ls -l /dev/video*

You should see different messages depending on whether or not a camera is connected:

crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 Mar  2 16:15 /dev/video0
ls: cannot access 'dev/video*': No such file or directory

If no camera is detected you'll need to further debug Linux (not a DCM problem).

You can also use the v4l-utils tools to detect compatible cameras.

sudo apt-get install v4l-utils
v4l2-ctl --list-devices

Verify DCM Startup

This test verifies what cameras DCM has detected, what streams were created, and also confirms which services were started (i.e. RTSP video streaming, MAVLink and Avahi).

Simply run DCM with verbose logging (via the -v flag). The example below shows the console output generated on a Ubuntu system with an integrated webcam:

$ ./dcm -v -c samples/config/ubuntu.conf

ConfFile: Adding section 'gstreamer'
ConfFile: Adding section 'v4l2'
ConfFile: Adding section 'mavlink'
ConfFile: Adding section 'uri'
ConfFile: Adding section 'imgcap'
Found V4L2 camera device video0
v4l2 device :: /dev/video0
CameraComponent path:/dev/video0 with Camera Definition
V4L2 device : /dev/video0

Open UDP [5]
Adding fd: 5 glib_flags: 1
Adding stream /video0 (VirtualBox Webcam - Integrated )
Adding stream /rsdepth (RealSense Depth Camera)
Adding stream /rsir (RealSense Infrared Camera)
Adding stream /rsir2 (RealSense Infrared Camera2)

Starting Dronecode Camera Manager
UDP: [5] wrote 21 bytes
© Dronecode 2017. License: CC BY 4.0            Updated: 2018-11-20 02:48:35

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